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Oculus Rift Ships in 2016

Oculus unveiled the commercial version of the Rift in this month’s E3 event. Acquired by Facebook for 2 billion dollars in March 2014, virtual reality technology company Oculus VR has been working ways to change the way we play games. Debuting on Kickstarter in 2012, the Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles project is finally heading to completion and will be in customers’ homes very soon.

Oculus Rift will hit the markets in the first quarter of 2016. Oculus has partnered with Xbox One gaming console and will include an Xbox One game controller in the package. The headset will be supported by Windows 10 for the PC gaming option. The partnership is a smart move for Microsoft who is working on its own HoloLens hologram technology.

For game lovers the Rift news is thrilling. But there is even more thrilling news! Oculus has been working on another product called the Oculus Touch.

The Oculus Touch lets players experience the virtual world with life-like virtual hands by using two half moon light-weight ring controllers. The product is still in development, so although we are thrilled by the news, we’ll have to wait a little longer to see the final product.

The release date for the Oculus Touch controller, as you may have guessed, has not yet been announced.

So, here comes the obvious question: What kind of games shall we be playing via Oculus Rift?

The answer is not yet clear. Although there is a long list of VR games available, the list still needs some more variety.

In the E3 event, Oculus VR Head of Developer Strategy Anne Sweet, announced that they will be investing more than $10.000.000 to support independent game developers. The announcement shed some light on the game development strategy of Oculus. This way the number of VR games available may hope to see a surge.


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